What is it? – Think about what we do when we construct any sewn project. Most likely we take large pieces of fabric and cut them into small pieces of fabric and then we sew them back together into large pieces of fabric again. And it’s all done with some creative vision in mind. If we measure, mark, cut, pin, press and sew accurately the result is something that is pleasing to us. If we don’t . . . ah well, then not so much. But there’s more to consider. More effort and more time required. To put in a hem we have to make all of those measurements and the markings and then make all of the folds and then put in all of the pins to hold the folds we’ve measured. And then we have to press around the pins and then remove the pins. No question about it, it’s a lot of detail work and if we mess it up we’re going to be disappointed. There’s gotta’ be another way. And there is and that’s where Clover’s Hot Hemmer and Hot Ruler come in. For the first time we have a tandem of sewing tools that lets us accurately measure, mark and press all at the same time and with one tool.
What does it do? Clover’s Hot Hemmer and Hot Ruler will revolutionize the way you do hems, mitered corners and pressed curves. They truly are the “go to” tools for anyone who does hems, mitered corners or pressed curves. Both are made of a nylon based fiber board that does not retain heat when ironed on so no waiting for them to cool and no burned fingers. Another feature of the fiber board is that while it will not stick to your fabric it will not slide either. It merely stays in place while you manipulate your fabric into place for pressing. And best of all both are loaded with useful measuring and angle markings and cutouts. The Hot Hemmer is 6″ x 5″ with a rounded corner for pressing curves and a square cut out corner for measuring in and over at the same time. The Hot Ruler is 10″x 2 1/2″ and is designed for completing longer hems in minimum time. If you’re ironing hems for draperies, this is your tool.

The Hot Hemmer and Hot Ruler have many useful applications. Here are a few.
Measure, fold and iron any hem in one smooth motion. Measure, fold, press. Repeat as necessary for the length or your project. The Hot Ruler with its increased length makes short work of long hems. Both take all of the guess work out of even, consistent hems. No last minute surprises where hem lines do not match up. Pleats anyone? Yes, you can use it to measure, fold and press pleats as well.
Ever try to make a perfect 45° mitered corner? No problem. Just measure to desired depth at the desired point, fold your fabric along the miter line and press.
How about pressing a curve, say to make a patch pocket. Again, no problem. Just gather your fabric around the curved portion of the Hot Hemmer and press. Remove excess fabric and attach to your garment.
The corner cutout of the Hot Hemmer can be used “lefty” or “righty” to measure trim lines or seams. Quick, accurate and no mistakes.
Saves time – We don’t have to measure and mark hems, pin hems, iron around pins and then remove pins. And it’s perfect every time so no “do overs”.

How do I share it?-The Hot Hemmer and Hot Ruler are best sellers. Both are tools that are truly intuitive in their use. When sewers see them they just know what it is that they will do for them and their particular sewing genre. They can be incorporated in every class, used at every retreat, even featured as the “Notion of the Month”. The bottom line is if you use the Hot Hemmer or Hot Ruler (or even see them used) you will want one or both for your very own. Years of development have produced a truly useful sewing tool. Using the Hot Hemmer or Hot Ruler will improve the quality of every measured seam, hem, angle or shape you press into your fabric. It’s a “must have” tool for every sewing studio.