What is it? Chances are if you’re into sewing it’s because you were introduced to it by someone. Maybe a friend or your mom or dad or even a grandmother or grandfather or other relative. The point remains, however, that most often someone close to you inspired you, encouraged you and taught you. And because of them you grew to understand and appreciate the rewards of the creative art of sewing. Whether fashion, quilting, heirloom or home decor, it matters not. To be able to sit down with needle and thread and fabric and create something useful and beautiful is a reward unto itself. But there’s another possible reward in addition to that of developing your own sewing skills. That reward comes from sharing those skills with another as someone once did for us. Great pleasure comes when we are able to pass those skills on to others who will embrace them with enthusiasm and carry them forward in their own creative quest. Which begs the question, how do I pass this gift of sewing on to some youngster who’s chomping at the bit to learn? What do they really need to start their own creative quest? Clover and the creative folks at Nancy Zieman Productions have put together the ultimate “starter’s kit” for our youthful beginners. The program is called “I Sew For Fun” and contains all of the most useful sewing notions to get up and going in this rewarding and “fun” art form.
What does it do?– The creative journey for the emerging sewist begins with the basic tools that are most used by all sewers in most sewing applications. It’s the “have to have” of sewing notions necessary for the beginning novice as well as the most accomplished sewist. Here’s the lineup:
Spring Tape Measure – The perfect size tape measure that retracts with the press of a button. The tape is made of a stretch resistant materials and measures in both inches and, on the reverse side, millimeters (160″ or 150mm).

Art No. 9610
5-in-1 Sliding Gauge – This is hands down the best measuring tool you can have in your kit. The moving cursor locks into place at 1/8″ intervals up to six inches for perfect hem lines, seams, button holes, etc. It even includes a pivot point for inscribing arcs or circles.

Art No. 9607
Fabric Marking Pen – The Fabric Marking Pen contains a water soluble, dark blue ink and a sharp point. This allows us to make very precise, fine marks on a variety of fabric colors from dark to light and then simply wash them away with water when they are no longer needed.
Art No. 9608
Heart-Shaped Pins – The Heart-Shaped Pins have an acute point and a smooth, small diameter shaft for use on most fabrics. The heart shaped head of the pin makes them easy to see and manipulate. Twenty pins are included.

Art No. 9604
Magnet Pin Caddy – When we aren’t using our pins the Magnet Pin Caddy stores them for us. The magnetic feature picks the pins up and aligns them for easy access. There’s even a groove under the pins to assist us as we retrieve them. No poked fingers. No crying. That’s important.

Art No. 9602
Wonder Clips – Wonder Clips are perfect for applications using multiple layers of fabric or fabrics where pins might leave permanent holes or cause the fabric to pucker. Ten clips in distinctive purple and turquoise colors are provided.
Art No. 9606
Hand-Sewing Needles with Heart-Shaped Case – The heart-shaped case keeps the needles damage free and where they can easily be found. The hand-sewing needles included are Milliners, Betweens and Embroidery needles, one each. These styles and sizes accommodate the primary, most often used hand sewing applications. The case has capacity for additional sizes and styles as they become necessary.
Art No. 9605
Sew-Safe Presser Foot – Unique among all other presser feet, the Sew-Safe Presser Foot has extended sides and a protective shield across the forward edge. This feature isolates the sewing machine needle and protects small fingers as they move their projects across the needle plate. With the included adaptor the Sew-Safe Presser Foot fits both high shank and low shank sewing machines.
Art No. 9600
Seam Guide – The Seam Guide is the ultimate tool to assist both novice and accomplished sewer produce perfect seams in either straight stitches, curves or decorative top stitching. The included grid ruler allows us to measure in either 1/8″ or 1/4″ increments to enable precise placement of the seam guide. The “sticky back” adhesive that holds the seam guide in place leaves no residue the needle plate and is renewable simply by rinsing.
Art No. 9601
Retractable Seam Ripper – The Retractable Seam Ripper has two unique features. Activation of a slide on the side of the device allows the retraction of the point. In this “safe” position it functions as a handy thread cutter. When extended it is a high quality seam ripper with a smooth point and sharp cutting edge for effortless stitch removal.

Art No. 9603
Clip ‘Glide Bodkin – Fashion or fashion accessories often require running a cord or an elastic band through a fabric channel. The Clip ‘n Glide Bodkin is the perfect tool. The mechanical “clip” end attaches securely to our cording material. The forward end of the bodkin features an extended and flexible guide that allows us to easily feed and pull fabric over the bodkin. The process is completed quickly and error free.