What is it? -To assist you in your pursuit of all things tatting, Clover has developed an actual system of tatting products. Improving on the traditional tatting shuttle, Clover’s new Bobbin Tatting Shuttle allows you to wind your thread on a separate bobbin and then just insert it into the shuttle when needed. No longer do we need to wind our thread onto the shuttle itself. We can pre-wind as many bobbins as necessary in as many colors as necessary and all well in advance of beginning our project. And when you feel the urge you can just sit down with your Clover Bobbin Tatting Shuttle and accessories and get it on with your creative self.
Clover Bobbin Tatting Shuttle – Clover Bobbin Tatting Shuttles are a dramatic improvement over traditional “post shuttles” simply because we can now pre-wind our thread onto any number of bobbins in any number of colors and then simply insert them as needed. The kit comes with one bobbin shuttle, two bobbins and a convenient “winder/keeper” which doubles as handle to assist us in winding our thread on the bobbin. Bobbin shuttle kits come in two colors, white and brown.

Spare Bobbin Set – The requirement for more thread or more thread colors is often proportional to the complexity or the creativity of our project. And right in the middle of a complex or developing project is the definitely not the time we want to stop so we can wind shuttles or bobbins. To ensure that you have sufficient pre-wound bobbins for your project, Clover provides a Clover Spare Bobbin Set. The set consists of one “winder/keeper” and five spare bobbins to meet all of your pre-wound thread needs. The sets are available in brown or white.

Storage Case for Bobbin Tatting Shuttle – The bobbin tatting shuttle is a great idea, pre-wound bobbins are a great idea, the “winder/keeper” is a great idea. So where do we keep them? We all know that if something is small and not attached to something else it will get lost. To alleviate any potential anxiety you might have about the location of your shuttles or bobbins, Clover has produced a storage case that can hold four bobbin tatting shuttles and eighteen bobbins. With this storage case all of your tatting materials are in one convenient location. The clear plastic lid also ensures that all of your pre-wound thread colors are easily in view. And it’s the ultimate in portability. Grab it and go. All of your tatting tools are with you.

Storage Case for Tatting Shuttle – If you’re into the traditional “post” style tatting shuttle we have you covered for that as well. Clover’s storage case for tatting shuttles can carry eight tatting shuttles. The allows you to store eight pre-would tatting shuttles in as many colors as you might need. The clear plastic lid keeps all of the colors easily in view. And again, it’s portable.

How do I share it? – To see it is to both understand it and love it. Set up a static display of all the component pieces on a sewing table with a sewing machine. Both grandmothers and mothers will see all the possibilities. On the same display, advertise your next “Kid’s Camp” and make the “I Sew For Fun” program part of the project kit. Word will spread. Everyone will want one. This is Nancy’s way of bringing the joys of sewing to a whole new generation of sewers. And, as always, she’s hit the mark.